Pibborafi Inc., exists to help animal rescues and shelters across the nation. These organziations are run by hard-working volunteers who are dedicated to helping animals. These are the people we must support to keep the care continuing for animals-in-need.

Many rescues and shelters receive donations from organizations and individuals throughout the year and Pibborafi's goal is to supply a continuous stream of donations through sales of our Pibborafi Rescue Hero plush dolls, and through donations of our dolls to the rescues. The rescues and shelters regularly fundraise with Rescue Heroes and have raised hundreds of dollars which goes toward much-needed medication for the animals. A few examples:

Pibborafi Bubbles for Texas Rescue @hotmesspooches How we helped:

Pibborafi Blue for NYC Rescue @rescuedogsrocknyc How we helped:

A batch of Pibborafis for Aries Doberman Liberation Rescue @AriesDobermanLiberationRescue How we helped:

Pibborafi Nelliee for Colorado Rescue @dumbfriendsleague How we helped:

Pibborafi Beaubee for New York Rescue @bestbulliesNY How we helped: